Today’s Blog: Let Me Tell You About My Best Friend
TODAY’S PROVERB: Do not forsake her, and she will guard you. Love her, and she will watch over you. Proverbs 4:6, TLV
Ever read a passage hundreds of times and then — BOOM! — the revelation comes. The pieces fall into place, and we get it. What was ordinary becomes extraordinary. Two years ago, that happened with this verse and today, I’m still inspired.
Proverbs treats Wisdom like a person. The Hebrew noun and verb are both feminine, which is why the pronouns are her and she.
She is more than the conduit of our Heavenly Father’s wisdom, she gives us practical applications to this ancient wisdom. What she imparts has been respected and revered by sages for thousands of years.
So, Wisdom is worthy of our attention to be sure. She shouldn’t be ignored and treated like fortune-cookie maxims that we open after we fill up on something else. Wisdom should be respected.
We probably all get that part, but what connected for me was that SHE wants a relationship with us. A real friendship. One that we work on and grow.
Best Friends
One of my best friends lives over 15 hours away. I have other friends locally — and my husband and I are very close — but the special bond I have with her is steeped in history and a true sense of support and respect. Plus, we just have fun.
Being so far away means we have to work hard to maintain and build our relationship. We know each other well enough that we can sense when it’s time for a long phone call or visit.
She can correct me like no other because I trust that she has my best interests. There’s no guile or manipulation or selfishness.
I think our Heavenly Father created Wisdom to be like that for us.
Let’s welcome Wisdom into our life as our best friend. Let her share what she has to say each day. She imparts one of our Father’s precious gifts. Who wouldn’t want a friend like that!
May we make friends with Wisdom, my friends.
Proverbs 4:6 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs