By blood or by-His-blood, we are family.
TODAY’S PROVERB: Six things ADONAI hates,
yes, seven are abominations to Him . . . a false witness who spouts lies, and one who stirs up strife among brothers. Proverbs 6:16,19
Don’t mess with my family. We may be dysfunctional as two flat tires, but it’s my family. Interestingly enough, our Heavenly Father feels that way about His family — us. Whether strife is caused by outsiders to the family, or within, our Abba does not like it. He hates it. He considers that behavior an abomination right up there with shedding innocent blood. Those are strong words.

The next time we want to talk negatively (outside of counseling) about a family member — whether blood relative or by-His-blood relative — remember this passage.
May we work toward unity in our family, my friends.
Proverbs 6:16,19 Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible, #tlvproverbs