Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 7:7-9

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

No curfew early enough . . .

Today’s Proverbs: I saw among the naïve, I noticed among the youth, a young man lacking understanding, crossing the street near her corner, walking in the direction of her house, in the twilight of the evening, in the darkest hours of the night. Proverbs 7:7-9, TLV

I grew up in a time before cellphones tracked kids. We played outside until dinner, then it was chores and homework.

In the summer, we were allowed more time after dusk to chase lightening bugs, and run from mosquitoes that didn’t carry life-threatening diseases.

But, at 10pm we knew there was a curfew. Parents in our neighborhood united to ensure that no one under 18 was out and about after 10. There was even a few second Public Service Announcements on TV that flashed a simple message at 9:59pm: DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILD IS?

Parents around the neighborhood counted heads and when all were accounted for, they were relieved. Knowing everyone was safe.

The young man in this proverb passage wasn’t counted by his parents as safe. His naivety confused danger with adventure, sin for excitement.

Once he stepped outside the safety of his home he set himself on a dangerous path.

kidsI was thinking. The vista of danger for young people today has grown. There is no curfew early enough to protect them when the danger is in the home.

Nine out of ten boys under the age of eighteen are exposed to pornography — six out of ten girls. The average age of their first exposure — twelve. With computers at home and phones in their pockets, the portals of evil are everywhere. The predators are now in our children’s bedrooms.

If that makes you shudder, that’s good. It means we need to take action. Yet, there needs to be a balance. Being diligent, yes, but also provide our children with a sweet, joyful childhood.

It doesn’t seem coincidental that our Heavenly Father devotes several chapters and passages in Proverbs to adultery, lust, seduction, temptation, and sexual sins. As adults, we must begin with our own hearts — our own eyes (Job 31:31), and teach the coming generations how to do the same.

Finding that balance takes wisdom, discernment, knowledge, and understanding. It takes a community of Jesus-followers to support parents and children. Let’s do it!

May we support each other to protect our children, my friends.

Proverbs 7:7-9 Tree of Life Bible Society, Tree of Life Version – TLV, #tlvbible#tlvproverbs