Wisdom’s Journey: Thank You!

Terri GillespieWisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs

For everything there is a season
and a time for every activity under heaven . . . Ecclesiastes 3:1, TLV

I knew this day would come. The day I would wrap up the daily Wisdom’s Journey blog. After much prayer, counsel, and confirmations, that time has come. My friends, July 31st will be my last Wisdom’s Journey entry.

My Proverbs’ posts began with Facebook back in 2016—from time to time—then in 2018 pretty much every day. The estimate is well over 1,000 blogs/posts, covering nearly every one of the 915 verses in Proverbs. Still, as much as I have written, I have not begun to tap into the wealth our Heavenly Father has given us—which made it difficult to put a period on this series.


Why am I doing this? I believe the LORD is saying that it is time to focus on my other writing, especially the novels. Stories can reach readers that may never enter a church or pick up a Bible.

Our Savior was a storyteller. Most of his parables were shared in the dusty streets or grassy hillsides, even from a fishing boat. Parables have been around even before Jesus walked this earth—think of the prophet Nathan and King David (2 Samuel 12).

The goal with all my writing is to point the reader to our Heavenly Father, and His Messiah.

In the future there will be blogs about my writing and—hopefully—publishing journey. Currently, I have three manuscripts—two women’s fiction and one collaborated middle-school mystery. Your prayers for favor with publishers are much appreciated.

Access to Past Blogs . . .

Even though I won’t be writing a daily Proverbs blog, I will continue to write/post inspirational blogs from time to time. And, more importantly, you have access to the last 587 Wisdom’s Journey blogs. They are located on my website, at https://authorterrigillespie.com/category/proverbs/. You can even search by Proverbs chapter and key words.

Thank you to those who have stuck with me over the years. You know who you are, Michael, Clyde, Eric, Priscilla, Lindy, Deborah, Cordelia, Jeffrey, Lin, Mary Ellen, Marie, Robert, Chaya, Carol, Cristy, Diana, Jerusha, Angelo, Diane, Barbara, Shelly, Gloria, Carrie, Cathy. (Please forgive any omissions.)

Thank you to those who posted incredible insights, beautiful and touching stories, encouragements that made me cry, encouragements that made me laugh. You made this part of the journey amazing and I am forever grateful. In a few days, I will put that period on the last Wisdom’s Journey blog, in the meantime, I hope you’ll continue to walk with me.

May our wisdom journey continue, my friends. Thank you, and may our LORD bless you!