My new readers frequently ask why I love using Jesus’s Hebrew name, Yeshua. Sometimes I say, “That’s the name His mother called Him when…
Daily Word: Stir It Up! Hebrews 10:24-25
Here’s another passage where context is so important. This chapter is the pure essence of the “New Covenant” spoken of in Jeremiah 31:30ff…
Daily Word: How Do We Handle Praise. Proverbs 27:2
This verse seems pretty straightforward, right? Don’t brag or boast. But, as always with Proverbs, there are layers of insights and…
Daily Word: Are You Solving the Wrong Problem? Proverbs 26:8
I chuckle every time I read this proverb. It brings up the image of someone attempting to master the sling with little success. They Swing…
Daily Word: Mobile Refuge? Psalm 46:2[1]
Anyone out there remember the credit card commercial slogan, “Don’t leave home without it!”? That was the first thought I had reading…
Daily Word: Get the Feeling You’re Being Watched? Proverbs 23:16
Have you ever felt like you were being watched? Not in a creepy way, but that people were observing your behavior? Your life…
Daily Word: What Did You Say? Proverbs 22:17
I used to have incredible hearing. A dog barking down the street, a bird in a neighbor’s tree, my father’s car coming down the street…
Daily Word: Are You an Iceberg? Proverbs 21:2
We all know the story of the Titanic, but did you know over 25 ships have sunk as a result of running into icebergs? Five ships since the…