Pardon My Geekiness! Getting to know established and award-winning authors is just as fun for me as it is for my readers and friends. Why? Because authors are readers, too, which means we can get geeky as much as the next reader.
Daily Word: Winking = Wounding? Proverbs 10:10
Have you ever been in a conversation where you felt left out? Almost as though the people around you were in on a secret, and they…
Daily Word: Capture the Thought? 2 Corinthians 10:5
A few years ago, I received a revelation about this verse. It’s simple really. The premise is: I can’t hide my thoughts from God. Here’s…
Daily Word: My Eye on You. Psalm 32:8
Another verse where context is so important. David bemoans his unsettled heart and mind. He has sinned and, as yet, he has not confessed…
Daily Word: Breakthrough Listening. James [Jacob] 1:19
Apparently, not much has changed since those two souls were kicked out of the Garden. We’re still slow to listen, but quick to speak and…
Daily Word: Simple Isn’t Easy. Matthew 22:37-39
Context. During the time of Jesus, every Jewish soul who sat under the teachings of their parents and attended synagogue or traveled to…
Daily Word: Practice Makes Peace. Philippians 4:9
Philippians is one of the letters Paul wrote from prison. Based on the tone of Paul’s letter, the believing community in Philippi seemed to…
Daily Word: Our Legacy? Proverbs 4:23
Most of you know of my love of the book of Proverbs. Reading a chapter each day for nearly two decades has changed my life in all areas: my…
Daily Word: Alzheimer’s Warriors. Matthew 5:10
What does Alzheimer’s disease have to do with today’s verse? First, what is persecution anyway? It is defined as a program or campaign to…