I have a couple of pet peeves and if what I say next, offends you, please love me anyway. No one knows when Jesus will return except His Dad
Daily Word: Heart and Mouth at Their Best! Romans 10:10
Paul writes of the importance of not just making a heart decision, but to proclaim it. To make a stand for their faith. Not just as a title or label, but . . .
Daily Word: Thinking of You, Philippians 1:3
Are there special people in your life that will stand by you — no matter what? People who know your calling, sometimes better than you do?
Daily Word: Walk it Out. 2 John 1:6
False teachers have infiltrated the believers preaching Yeshua was not divine and that their immoral behavior didn’t constituted as sin. Hmm.
Daily Word: Dwell in Us Richly, Colossians 3:16
Context of this verse is so important Why? What we read in today’s verse is uplifting with a bit of admonishing . . .
Daily Word: A Believing Remnant Throughout History, Micah 7:18
Our Heavenly Father angry? We don’t like hearing that, do we? Does God get angry? Yes, of course. But, there’s more to this.
Daily Word: One of the Scary Verses, Matthew 6:14
One of the Scary Verses. Jesus said some scary things. Scary because they hold us accountable for our own actions.
Daily Word: Wholly Heard. 2 Samuel 2:2
Wholly Heard by The Rock of Our Salvation. The context of this verse is a new mother, Hannah who had once been barren, honors her vow to GOD . . .