Daily Blog: Watch the Rear. Proverbs 27:12

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

The prudent see danger and hide, but the naïve keep going and pay the penalty. Proverbs 27:12, TLV


Watch the Rear.   A friend of mine is a counselor who uses horses as therapy. She has worked successfully with PTSD patients and those with developmental and emotional disabilities. A few years ago, she began working with folks who want to learn how to be just a better person — the person GOD created them to be.

I like horses — from a distance. They are magnificent creatures. And I respect the work she does. However, I have a fear of horses. I come by that fear from past events — but that’s for another time. Maybe. Anyway, did I mention, I have a fear of horses?

My friend “blessed” me with a complimentary retreat. Nervous? Yes. Nevertheless, I agreed once she assured me the session didn’t include riding. All exercises with the horses were with everyone’s feet on the ground.

The exercise that changed me . . .

One exercise was to move a tethered horse with the light touch of our hand on their backside. The horse will only move if we were calm and gentle. I was amazed when the horse actually moved at my touch.

My friend then said to go to the other side of the horse and move the horse back to his original position. My first thought was, “Don’t walk behind the horse. It’s dangerous.”

And what did I do? I ignored that thought and began walking around his ample rump. My friend gently stopped me and said, “I know we didn’t discuss not walking behind a horse, but it’s not a good idea for an inexperienced person to do so.”

At that point, I confessed to having had the warning thought. She asked me, “Why did you ignore it?”

My friends, at that time I had no clue. Why would I deliberately ignore the warning? Not trust the wise internal counsel? My friend recommended I really think about that because it was a clue to something deeper.

Later I took those questions to my Heavenly Father where He showed me things from my past that caused me to not trust the discernment He gave me. Together we are working to overcome some of my random acts of foolishness.

One thing has become clear, the difference between prudence and naivety is whether we pay attention or ignore GOD’s voice of wisdom.

May we pay attention to GOD’s warnings, my friends.

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