Daily Word: 7 Steps to Peaceful Sleep, Psalm 4:9[8]

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

I will lie down and sleep in shalom [peace].
For You alone, ADONAI [LORD], make me live securely.   Psalm 4:9[8], TLV


7 Steps to Peaceful Sleep.   Do we struggle with a good night’s sleep? Unable to turn off our mind? Chapter four of Psalms is King David’s prayer for a peaceful sleep. As I read this chapter, I realized I’m not accessing the peace I’m promised those nights. Why? Because it seems too easy — and at the same time, too difficult.

Before we begin, know that there may be a medical cause for insomnia. See your family physician if the insomnia is recurring. However, even if it is a medical condition and medication is needed, David’s prayer can still help.

Here are David’s Steps to a Peaceful Slumber:

  1. David acknowledges that he’s in distress, and rather than grabbing a handful of grapes or cup of wine or read a scroll or two, he seeks the LORD. Somehow I see him pacing the polished floors of his palace. (vs.2[1])
  2. He acknowledges where his distress comes from: people who have invalidated him and the anointing GOD placed over him. We can sense his confusion. Why would they desire to put him down? (vs. 3[2])
  3. David goes back to what he knows: ADONAI has called him — and others like him — therefore, He will listen when David calls. It doesn’t matter whether humanity recognizes GOD’s calling and anointing, it is real. (vs. 4[3])
  4. I love this verse. David knows he’s not without his own sin in worrying about what others think or threaten, or do to him. He knows he must search his own heart as he lies in bed or kneels. Rather than ruminating over others’ deeds, he knows he must be silent and wait. What will ADONAI show him? (vs. 5[4])
  5. “Offer righteous sacrifices . . .” Why were there sacrifices? They were a physical act of commitment to repentance and change. Words are cheap — even well-spoken, sincere words. David knows that whatever ADONAI has shown David in the silence, he will follow through with a sacrifice of teshuva — repentance that turns away from the sin. (vs. 6[5])
  6. It seems David is aware of others struggling with these frustrations or trials. Perhaps they’ve discussed them together. David prays for his cohorts that they — and David — will have ADONAI’s light shine upon them. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this is part of the Aaronic benediction (Numbers 6:25) — the blessing was a reminder to the Jewish people that they carried GOD’s Name (Numbers 6:27). (vs. 7[6])
  7. The joy begins bubbling inside David. The freedom of forgiveness, knowing who he is in the LORD, praying for others, and then reminding himself — and no doubt to his friends the next day — that they carry the Name of the Creator of the Universe. (vs. 8[7])

Ahhh. Peaceful sleep.

We’ve arrived at today’s verse. Now David can lie down in peace. He can sleep securely after reminding himself of all these truths. And sometimes, that’s all we need is to remember who our Heavenly Father is, and how much He loves us. (vs. 9[8])

Shabbat shalom.


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