Daily Word: A Covenant with Our Eyes? Proverbs 5:3-4

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

For a seducing woman’s lips drip honey and her mouth is smoother than oil. But in the end, she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a double-edged sword. Proverbs 5:3-4, TLV


A Covenant with Our Eyes?     Ah, winter months. For those who live in regions where snow and/or ice can keep us indoors, how are we spending our time? Once the usual chores are finished, the kids are situated, what occupies our minds? Those of us who are retired, or without children at home, probably have more time on our hands than we anticipated at this season of life. That can be a good thing — or not so good thing.

Today’s proverb may have us thinking, “This doesn’t apply to me. I’m a faithful spouse.” Or “I’m single.” But, especially now, we need to be aware. Just because we aren’t having an affair, or flirting, or reading/watching pornography, there are equally dangerous arenas of sexual temptation — the eyes and the mind.

No base thing will I set before my eyes. Twisted behavior I hate—it will not cling to me. Psalm 101:3, TLV

These days, images of men and women are plastered across magazines, television, computers, and phones. It’s difficult to miss them.

Jesus says that even if we lust in our mind, think or speak out impure thoughts, it is considered adultery (Matthew 5:28).

Physically acting out defiles the soul and body. Lust affects the soul. Both are also sins against our commitment to fidelity — to our spouse, and most importantly, to the LORD.

Perhaps we didn’t know this, or hadn’t connected the dots, that watching actors or models engaged in sexual activities is voyeurism that pollutes our eyes and mind with sin. Until we identify sin as sin, we can’t repent. Until we repent, we can’t be forgiven. Once we’re forgiven, we can be restored.

How does this work?

How does it work? Pretty simply. Make a covenant with our eyes (Job 31:1) so that the next time we see an image that tempts us to think or imagine, we will look away. Check our mind to be sure we don’t allow even the smallest of impure thoughts in. If we do, repent, and turn away.

It is through this perseverance that we can avoid the snares of sexual sins. Those of the body and mind.

Think More About It

Have you made a covenant with your eyes? How has that practically worked for you?

If this blog has been helpful, please share. Thanks so much and God bless.

Until tomorrow, may we turn our eyes away from temptation, my friends, and turn our eyes to the truth. Please continue to pray for Israel. God bless you!

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