Daily Word: A Special Guest. Proverbs 21:15

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Plans of the diligent surely lead to gain, but all who are hasty come only to loss. Proverbs 21:5, TLV


A Special Guest.   In the past we’ve spoken about plans and projects and creativity. How the importance of prudence, dedication, and perseverance are the success of these things. Today’s proverb adds another ingredient: diligence.

To be diligent is to apply a steady, earnest effort to any endeavor. How is this different than prudence? Diligence takes prudence and teaches it to dance.

One definition associates the diligent as being enthusiastically meticulous to detail especially as it pertains to the law. I like that.

Diligence will seek after GOD. Their understanding of what it means to serve the Master’s Plan is acute. They see the spirit of the law as well as the letter of the law.

Diligence is the smile in the details because it knows that rushing through will have negative results. It smiles because it sees future success. And it smiles because diligence knows that the process is as important as the goal.

I like diligence. Let’s invite it to our Wisdom Journey.

May we dance with diligence, my friends.

Have you invited diligence to your party? What has it brought to your faith journey? Thanks for stopping by today. I hope this was a blessing — if so, please share. God bless you!

Shabbat shalom!

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