Daily Word: Be That Kind of Friend. Proverbs 27:9

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

As ointment and perfume gladden the heart, so the sweetness of one’s friend comes from his sincere counsel. Proverbs 27:9, TLV


Be That Kind of Friend.   Do you have friends who are ointment and perfume — those who gladden your heart? Are they people you trust with your heart and have proven themselves as wise counsel? Cherish them. And give them the greatest gift you can give them—be the same to them.

Ointments during the time of the writers of Proverbs were most likely olive oil based. Various medicinal herbs would be added based on the type of ailment or injury.

Perfumes were more extravagant. They may have had an olive oil base, however different spices such as myrrh, cinnamon, balsam, nard, cassia, and other costly ingredients imported along with other spices we don’t typically use. What is interesting is the spices were stored separately and then mixed with the base for application.

We know that even our LORD loves perfumed incense (Exodus 30).

Why the Distinction?

I do love how friendships serve important roles in our life. Over the years, I’ve learned that some friendships are “perfume” based. They make life sweet and fun and adventurous.

Then there are the “ointment” friendships. These friends are there when times are difficult. They know how to minister with healing comfort and prayers.

Friends that are both perfume and ointment are those cherished friends to keep close.

A few years ago, I spoke at a women’s retreat about different types of friendships. I also included tips on how to have healthy relationships, how to spot unhealthy ones, how to be a better friend, and how to cultivate a Godly sisterhood.

Living real-time in Proverbs has reminded me of the preciousness of friends. A few years ago, there was a death in my family. Despite the limitations of COVID, friends reached out and were ointment and perfume.

Whether an encouraging word, prayers, texts, cards, or phone calls, it meant so much. It reminded me to be grateful and to show gratitude, even when things around me were chaotic, and it appeared I was alone and on my own, because really I wasn’t.

These friends have taught me how to pause and take notice of those sweet acts of kindness — and truly, they were a healing ointment.

May we cherish our friends, dear friends.

Think More About It

How have friends made a difference in your life? How have you made a difference in your friends’ lives?

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