Daily Word: Do We Speak Aptly? Proverbs 25:11

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word aptly spoken. Proverbs 25:11, TLV


Do We Speak Aptly?   Ah, yes. Today’s verse is probably the most favorite in Proverbs. This passage has been widely used in songs, books, messages, jewelry, Bible studies, magazines, ministries, and so much more. If you Google “apples of gold”, over 64 million results pop up.

So, what could I possibly say that hasn’t already been said?

I suppose it doesn’t matter if what I say has already been said, what is important is what is meaningful for our life today. Especially these days.

Just this morning, I watched several recommendations from “health professionals” — most with British accents — advising me how to mitigate covid. As well as the hundreds of warnings how to avoid contracting the virus or why to not take the vaccine or why I should.

What could golden apples and a silver tray offer us at this time?

A journey to discovery . . .

To begin, I looked up the word aptly. It is defined as: unusually fitted or qualified. The “unusually” struck me. Not simply something that fits to a circumstance, but unusually fits. Not the typical solution.

Then I looked up the symbolism for gold. Of course, one symbol is wealth, but I liked one site that said gold represented: illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic, and wisdom. That’s a lot of symbolism. The sense of divine illumination of wisdom struck a chord.

Silver symbolizes wealth, too. Makes sense. But, it also represents: industrial, sleek, high-tech, and modern. As well as ornate, glamorous, graceful, sophisticated, and elegant. I loved the idea of sophisticated and modern.

Aptly + Gold + Silver = ???

So, if I cobble these three concepts together, we come up with [paraphrase according to Terri]:

God’s divinely inspired wisdom, will be unusually appropriate to a given situation. And, although the root of this wisdom is ancient, the application is modern and sophisticated and relevant. There will be a supernatural component that has a wisp of the miraculous to it.

In other words, we’ll recognize God’s divinely inspired wisdom because it will be unusually appropriate with a modern application to current events, yet with ancient roots.

Do you think we need that type of wisdom today? Especially with our concerns for our family’s wellbeing?

And how do we come by that type of wisdom? By spending time reading, studying, and living God’s word. And since He gave us Proverbs — the Book of Wisdom — I’m guessing we should give a good portion of that time to this as well.

How do you plan to prepare yourself as a vessel for GOD’s wisdom? If this blog was a blessing, please share. Thank you!

Shabbat Shalom!

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