Daily Word: How Do We Treat Knowledge? Proverbs 15:2

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

The tongue of the wise treats knowledge correctly, but the mouth of fools spouts folly. Proverbs 15:2, TLV


How Do We Treat Knowledge?   From time to time, I have the great privilege to be in the company of brilliant, Bible scholars. It can be as intimidating as it is exciting. Some are proud and lofty, while others are quite humble and approachable. It’s those humble folks that I could listen to for hours.

Today’s proverb elegantly describes those humble men and women of brilliance. They, indeed, know how to treat knowledge correctly.

How do they do this? They don’t lord their storehouse of knowledge over others. Because they are guardians and stewards of GOD’s word, they have a healthy fear of Him. They do not take this responsibility lightly.

Rather than making us feel ignorant, they grab our hand and joyfully bring us along with them on the journey. They live in awe and wonder — and it’s contagious. When we understand a new concept, they rejoice with us.

We’re all stewards of knowledge

All of us are stewards of some type of knowledge that others may not know. We too can have the tongue of the wise by treating that knowledge correctly.

As we journey wisdom’s path, pursuing discernment and understanding will show us when to speak, how to speak, and what to speak to those hungry for this information — or don’t even realize they are hungry.

As members of the Body of Messiah (Romans 12), we have the honor and responsibility to transfer the knowledge of our Heavenly Father, His Son our Savior, and the Holy Spirit. Like blood through veins and impulses through nerve fibers, we can be part of the life-giving word of the LORD.

It’s how our Heavenly Father designed it. How brilliant is that!

May we treat knowledge correctly, my friends.

Share your story of treating knowledge correctly in the comments below.

Shabbat Shalom!

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