Daily Word: It’s Not Just About Drinking . . . Proverbs 23:30

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Those who linger long over wine, who go looking for mixed wine. Proverbs 23:30, TLV


It’s not just about drinking . . .     Before anyone assumes I think drinking wine is a sin, let me say here, I don’t. Now, I can’t really drink wine, my body doesn’t handle it very well. A couple sips and I’m good. But having a glass of wine with a good meal is nice for many folks.

Today’s proverb is part of the couplet (Proverbs 23: 29-35) about drunkenness. The key phrases in this verse are the “lingering long” and “looking for” that show an unbalanced approach to drinking.

The person who overstays their welcome in order to continue to drink. The person who seeks exotic mixtures that are not so much about being a connoisseur, as an excuse to keep drinking.

“Oy to those who are heroes at drinking wine,
and valiant at mixing drinks . . .” Isaiah 5:22, TLV


Before we think we’re exempt . . .

We can get lost in anything we linger over and seek after. Entertainment like movies, television, magazines, music, even — dare I say it — books. Social media and the lust for being right. Anything we place above our LORD, our family, and our responsibilities, will, in the end, bite like a serpent (Proverbs 23:32).

As we meditate on the lessons the Creator of the Universe has for us today, let’s pray that His Spirit will alert us to anything that we may be lingering over just a little too long. That the Holy Spirit will show us when we go looking for those things the world says are delicious to our soul, but in the end corrupt our heart (Proverbs 23:33). And, instead, let’s linger over His presence and go looking for His will for us this day.

Think More About It

Are there activities or behaviors that we linger over? Where we find difficulty with restraint? What is our next step to have victory over these things?

Would you help me get out the word about the benefits of God’s wisdom? Please share on your social media sites. Thank you!

Until tomorrow, may we linger with our LORD, and look for the beauty He has for us today, my friends. Please continue to pray for Israel. God bless and Shabbat Shalom!

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