Daily Word: John 13:14

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

So if I, your Master and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash each other’s feet. John 13:14, TLV

For too many years I thought that humility was synonymous with weakness. It is the opposite.

Humility is the freedom from pride. Let that sink in.

If we truly want to emulate our Heavenly Father’s Son, Jesus it begins with humility. How ironic. We are adopted by the Creator of the Universe, who went out of His way to redeem us by sending His only Son, and He wants us to be humble about it? Yes.

Think of the alternative. A bunch of bratty, disobedient kids who think only of themselves. Oh.

I think we’re seeing a lot of disfunction among our brothers and sisters. Perhaps we are more focused on being royalty than being grateful and in turn, humble.

Finding freedom from pride and selfishness/self-preservation is a lifelong pursuit for some, it will probably be for me. But, fortunately I am learning more each day how to be grateful and that gratitude is teaching me how to live out humility. How about you?

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