Daily Word: John 14:27

Terri GillespieDaily Word 8 Comments

Shalom I leave you, My shalom I give to you; but not as the world gives! Do not let your heart be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27, TLV


My friend shared the photo of two men comforting a screaming woman as they sought temporary shelter during a rocket attack in Israel. It struck me that the woman was responding in the most logical, understandable way, because what Israelis were expected to withstand was insane — it wasn’t normal.

Her response: it’s amazing how we all respond. Some comes from their military training. Some comes from lots of experience with this and you are right shouldn’t be normal.

Meanwhile, my dear friend and her family and grandchildren seek shelter as barrages of rockets hope to destroy and kill.

Where is the peace?

Where is the shalom — the peace? Yeshua said it would not be as the world views it. My friends and family in Israel will attest to that.

Shalom is a choice and gift. Because it is a supernatural state of being that is not normal.

The normal response to the insanity is anything but peace, but when we choose to look to our Messiah and Savior who overcame the world, His shalom is ours.

As we go about our day today, may I ask you to pray for the peace of Jerusalem? Pray for:

  • those who defend her,
  • those who want to destroy her because they are deceived by the real enemy, the enemy of our souls,
  • for all the children and the elderly.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem—
“May those who love you be at peace!
May there be shalom within your walls—
quietness within your palaces.” Psalm 122:6-7, TLV

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