Daily Word: Our DNA? Proverbs 8:35

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

For whoever finds me [wisdom] finds life and obtains favor from ADONAI [the LORD]. Proverbs 8:35, TLV


Our DNA?     Our faith and wisdom journey are about moving deeper. Purpose. Meaning. To strengthen our connection to our Creator and Father.

With the rise of DNA testing and various family ancestry websites, more and more people want to know who they are and where they came from. In fact, one of the largest ancestry sites receives over 2 million requests each day!

I like the idea of people looking for more meaning in their life. I love the idea of finding out more about our background—to have a sense of history. But there is an even deeper well of understanding that we can find—wisdom.

We may think our identity is tied only to our parents/ancestors and experiences, but really our true identity is intrinsically woven into the One who created us.

This amazing Creator of the Universe has put into place a way for us to connect with Him — to know and love Him. He says it is through wisdom. Wisdom is not only our teacher, but our friend. When we find her, we find favor with our Heavenly Father, because that’s how He set it up.

We’re His children. His DNA is in us. We’re part of His family and that’s a pretty amazing thing.

Think More About It

Has searching for our identity through ancestors distracted us from searching for a deeper connection with our true identity?

Until tomorrow, may we find our identity wisely, my friends.

Thank you for your prayers for Israel and the Jewish people. God bless you.

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