Daily Word: Psalm 34:19

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

Adonai is close to the brokenhearted,
and saves those crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:19, TLV


When we’re grieving or brokenhearted, we can feel alone. Only we can know and understand the loss, right? Perhaps to those around us who try to comfort us, that may be true. But to our Heavenly Father? It is not true.

They who looked to Him were radiant,
and their faces will never be ashamed. (vs. 6, TLV)

I wish I didn’t need verses to remind me where my help comes from, but I still do. Sometimes, the Holy Spirit will bring up these passages of comfort. Don’t you love that? Those verses cause me to crave more, and finally, I look up and see that my Father was always there. At no point, was I alone. Even when no one was around me.

Come, children, listen to me:
I will teach you the fear of Adonai. (vs. 12, TLV)

David wrote this psalm when he was still on the run from King Saul — a man he loved and respected as God’s chosen King (vs. 1). David had just feigned madness — including drooling down his beard (1 Samuel 21:11-16) — and was able to escape an enemy king. Imagine the wonder, relief, and pure joy.

Despite the confusion of why he was so hated by Saul, he knew ADONAI had anointed both Saul to be king–yet David was, too. And now he was on the run. Grieved to have to leave his family. Chased by both the army of Saul, and armies of his enemies, yet there were the moments were miracles happened. When David remembered what God had done for him, he could look up toward God and feel His radiance.

Fortunately, we don’t have armies chasing us and have to act like a mad person to escape enemy kings. But because we do live in a world where the enemy of our souls does anything he can to discourage us, including lying to us about being alone, we need to remember to run to our Heavenly Father who will comfort us. Because He loves us.

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