Daily Word: Romans 12:21

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21, TLV

What’s our first response when someone hurts us? Actually, experts say it is one of two things, strike back, or run away. Or maybe hit and run. LOL! While running away — without hitting — is the better of the two, this behavior might miss an opportunity. An opportunity to overcome evil with good.

My grandmother was my best friend growing up. Her words of wisdom still live in my heart — although the Jello I could have lived without. One of those bits of wisdom was to count to ten before responding when I was angry or hurt. Actually, when I was little I was would run away and then tattletale. Yeah, not my better habits.

Bless those who persecute you—bless and do not curse. (vs. 14, TLV)

Today’s verse reminded me of grandma’s wisdom, how pausing is important in an emotional situation. But this chapter helps us understand that we can’t do the impossible — like blessing a persecutor — without the LORD’s help.

Because, I don’t know about you, blessing someone out for my demise or harm is not my first instinct. What if in that ten seconds we pray? See what the Holy Spirit shows us? Word of advice? It is seldom the first thing we think. Calming our mind allows us to hear the Holy Spirit, to recognize His voice and not our own righteous indignation.

What if our Heavenly Father responded like we do? Yikes! But because He’s had eternity to see us and how we fit into His plans and purposes, His response is to return our evil with the good of His Son. That is truly overcoming with good.

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