Daily Word: Roots of Anxiety. Proverbs 12:25

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

An anxious heart weighs one down,
but a good word cheers him up.  Proverbs 12:25, TLV


Roots of Anxiety.   Just saw a fascinating video about anxiety (see video below). There’s a rise in diagnoses of anxiety and ADHD. Medically diagnosed anxiety disorders do have chemical and emotional roots. However, now experts are saying these “disorders” may also have a root in our body trying to adjust to chaotic environments.

Chaotic Environments

Here in America, we buy a lot of stuff. Stuff we need. Or stuff we want. When we confuse the needs with the wants, something naturally happens. We accumulate a lot of stuff.

Because we spent money for on these things, or people we care about bought them for us, there is now emotion and attachment to these things — not people, things.

As time goes on, and the piles of stuff grow, our day is spent trying to keep all these things organized, or at least, out of the way. Not to mention trying to find that one thing we need in the mounds of other junk. This creates chaotic environments.

Ever notice when we finally get organized, with labels and bins, and whatever new-fangled organization gizmo we buy. we feel content, peaceful? However, within a few months, it’s back to chaos. Why? Because we continue to buy more stuff.

The same applies to activities. When our calendars look as cluttered as our home, we eventually tie our emotions to the activity. The chaos then multiplies both in our homes to outside our homes.

Where is our safe, calm, environment?

Ah-hah Moments

I totally get this because I grew up in a chaotic environment. My ADHD and anxiety began at an early age. As an adult I was drawn to people who were chaotic because that was what I understood. Which in turn, created more chaos and more anxiety.

When my husband and I began reading a chapter of Proverbs each day over 20 years ago, little by little we changed. We made more informed, wise decisions. Avoided what we now see as obvious traps to keep us tied to chaos.

Today, we crave peace and order. And we can spot a chaos-maker at fifty paces. Some dear souls we must avoid, others, we set boundaries.

When entertaining a houseful of people and our on-its-way-to-be-fully-organized home is in disarray, we’ve learned to not focus on our stuff, but invest our emotions on the people. Have a good time. Knowing we’ve allowed ourselves time to clean up and right our home again. Because of this, my anxiety of planning a get-together has decreased dramatically.

So what does this have to do with today’s verse?

The good word Bob and I received over twenty years ago was to read a chapter of Proverbs each day — as best we could — for the rest of our lives. That was the beginning of our freedom.

Over the years, very wise people have spoken and shown us how to reduce anxiety. Unfortunately, because my formative years were spent in chaos, my default when I get overwhelmed is to become anxious and it’s difficult to comprehend even the simplest of instructions.

Fortunately, I have a husband who helps with a good word. I have friends who know how to “talk me off a ledge.” Likewise, I do the same for them.

GOD’s word is filled with life, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, love, salvation, and so much more. That’s a lot of stuff that can be overwhelming, too. Which is why Scripture was meant to be taken little by little — a chapter at a time. Every day. For the rest of our lives.

Do I still struggle? Of course. But my Heavenly Father by His Holy Spirit has shown me ways to compensate for my fragile, flawed self. His Word, His people, His assurances, and promises.

Seems simple, right? It is. But it is also challenging. Still, it is so worth it.


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