Daily Word: Sometimes Life Happens. Proverbs 7:25

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray onto her paths. Proverbs 7:25, TLV


Sometimes Life Happens.     What are the things that turn our heart away from our Heavenly Father? From our family? Our spouse? The answer is as deadly as it is simple: the seductions of life. Trials and tribulations can topple our world and leave us vulnerable to seduction. But our Father always provides a way out.

Sometimes life . . .

Sometimes life gets challenging. For some, these challenges draw us closer to our Father where we find peace. For others, it pushes them away in anger and rejection.

Sometimes life can get boring. For some, boredom causes us to seek the LORD to restore our passion for Him with a fresh perspective of the gifts and calling He has given us. For others, it causes them to seek after the excitement that numbs and distracts.

Sometimes life is confusing. For some, confusion drives us straight to the author of wisdom and order where we find faith and hope. For others, it drives them away from GOD’s wisdom into the arms of this world’s so-called knowledge that tickles the ear (2 Timothy 4:3), but sucks away faith.

Sometimes life is dangerous. For some, a healthy dose of fear brings us to our knees before the omniscient Creator of the Universe. For others, fear brings them to doubt and a crisis of faith. This place can still be a place of seeking the Maker of Heaven and Earth — or brings them to their knees in more fear and more doubt, depression, hopelessness, or worse.


Life can throw us down like a Sumo wrestler. It is challenging, boring, confusing, and dangerous. We can either keep our heart fixed on the GOD who loves us wholly, or we can turn our heart to whatever seduction the world has to offer.

If we choose wisely, our heart will be safe in our Father’s capable Hand. No matter what life may bring, we can always end up in His arms. And that’s the best place to be.

Think More About It

When life throws you down, where do you go?

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Until tomorrow, may our hearts be wholly His, my friends. Please continue to pray for Israel. God bless you!

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