Daily Word: Stirring Up Strife or Trust? Proverbs 28:25

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A greedy soul stirs up strife, but one who trusts in Adonai prospers. Proverbs 28:25, TLV


Stirring Up Strife or Trust?     What is strife? How does greed create an environment of strife? Strife is defined as an angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues. How does that apply to greed? A greedy soul is not satisfied. Not grateful. Greed is always searching for the next thing it wants and overlooks the blessings around them. There are only moments of satisfaction until the next object of their desire comes into view.

Ah. Greed does create an environment of strife because it conflicts with all we know of a loving GOD, and a life as His child. Our fundamental understanding of who He is as our Heavenly Abba (Daddy) is at stake because we feel He is withholding from us. That dissatisfaction permeates relationships and the general atmosphere. Both go hand-in-hand and create strife.


We all want things: a happy marriage, children, a fulfilling job, a home, a reliable means of transportation . . . Where we must be careful is that those normal desires don’t morph into greed.

Greed says we deserve them. They are necessary to our joy and wellbeing. Greed says if GOD won’t give them to us, we’ll get them on our own. The minute we step over that line, we create strife — within us and around us.

But the Soul That Trusts in the LORD . . .

The soul that trusts in the LORD prospers because they are in a place of gratitude and faith. Without acquiring one single thing, we can feel immeasurably blessed—because we are.

Is there something we want now—perhaps we even believe we need it for legitimate reasons? Then stay in the place of gratitude and trust. Trusting that our Father knows what is best not only for today, but for our future. That what we pray for may not even be in His will. Which means we will be okay with that.

It’s difficult to wait, isn’t it? Not knowing can create stress and doubt. Then there is the answer that is “no”, how do we navigate that—the disappointment? When we’re in those places, we need to find our way back “home” into the loving arms of our Daddy.

How do we return? By remembering His promises that He loves us.

I remember this:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16, TLV

Me. He sacrificed His own Son for me — for us. Won’t the Father always give us what He knows to be good for us? That’s where we should land when disappointments happen.

And in that place, we prosper.

Think More About It

How do you return from a disappointment detour?

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Until tomorrow, may we prosper and be in the place of gratitude, my friends. As we watch the trials and tribulations of this war, it can be disappointing that the issues can’t be solved quickly. Please continue to pray for wisdom and strength and for all to be in a place of trust. God bless you.

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