Daily Word: Stuck in a Slimy Pit? Look Up! Psalm 40:2-3[1-2]

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

I waited patiently for ADONAI [the LORD].
He bent down to me and heard my cry.
He brought me up out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire.
Then He set my feet on a rock.
He made my steps firm.  Psalm 40:2-3[1-2], TLV



Stuck in a Slimy Pit? Look Up!   Honestly, have we ever felt like we were stuck in a slimy pit? As in, our spirit is so gunked up with the mud and mire of this world it has us trapped in a pit of fear, despair, bitterness, or hopelessness? I know I have.

It always begins small. An offense, or an unexpected illness, or challenge. Rather than shake the mud from my foot through forgiveness or lift my eyes toward my Heavenly Father for help, I walk deeper and deeper until I slide down into the slimy pit.

I waited patiently for ADONAI.
He bent down to me and heard my cry.   (vs. 2[1], TLV)

That’s why when we cry out for help — for our Father to pull us out of a mess of our own doing, by not going to Him sooner — we’re the ones who need to be patient, humble, repentant.

The good news is He will pull us from the muck and mire, hose us down, then set us back on the Rock so our steps are firm.

If there has been an offense, shake off the mud and forgive.

An unexpected illness or emergency? Look up to our strength and shield (Psalm 28:7) then step around the mire.

Overwhelmed by fear, doubt, and despair? Don’t move, that slimy pit is hiding, waiting to suck us in. Praise our LORD in the hopelessness.

Sometimes, it’s just about remembering

Remember what He has done for us in the past — the greatest act of love was sending His Son to die for our sins so that we are the Father’s redeemed children.

He is greater than any depression, anger, fear, bitterness, doubt.

Only when we know and remember, can we move forward — sidestep the pit — and receive what we need to get through whatever is troubling or tormenting us.

From the Rock we can see the pitfalls. With our feet sure and firm in the knowledge of our Father’s love, we can continue our journey.

Shabbat Shalom!

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