Daily Word: The Soft-Scoff Punch, Proverbs 14:6

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A scoffer seeks wisdom yet finds none, but knowledge is easy to the discerning. Proverbs 14:6, TLV


The Soft-Scoff Punch.    Is it possible to not realize we’re scoffing? Believe it or not, it is possible. And this unintentional sarcasm might be standing in the way of experiencing the full benefits of wisdom.

When we think of a scoffer, we tend to think of someone who mocks or scorns or ridicules others. Those are what I call the heavy-handed scoffers.

But there’s a “softer” version that knocks us away from wisdom’s sweet fruits. Although a softer version, it still packs a punch that impedes our journey. This softer version is the dismissive attitude.

The Dismissive Attitude

The dismissive attitude can stem from pride — as is most scoffing behavior — but not in every situation.

Some souls who emerge from difficult childhoods where they weren’t affirmed or loved, or were abused, can be dismissive of our Heavenly Father’s love. Deep down they don’t believe they’re worthy of His love or favor. They don’t think they’re smart enough, pretty enough, or whatever lack haunts them from the past.

The reality is: no one earns our Father’s love and the blessings of wisdom. It belongs to Him, and His desire is to freely give it. So, by thinking we don’t deserve it, we are scoffing at His gift.

That’s worth pondering. Our insecurities and doubts of His love are like scoffing at His gifts.

What might this look like? For me, it was my disconnect with GOD’s truth and my thinking it didn’t really apply to me. I would read a passage about how our Father wanted to bless us, or someone gave a message of GOD’s love and forgiveness, and there was a part of me that dismissed the truth because I didn’t believe it was for me. Have you ever felt that way?

Dismissing the Blessing

Dismissing the blessing — even from our insecurities — means we are building up barriers between us and our loving Father. Why try to live the Wisdom Journey? We’ll just fail, right?

Not considering that GOD’s truth is for us is such a lie. And when we believe the lie, we will inevitably scoff at all He has for us.

Let’s be clear . . .

We can be clear on this: We don’t earn salvation or GOD’s love. He not only offers salvation freely, He offers His love extravagantly. How? He gave His only Son to suffer gruesomely on our behalf. (John 3:16) And because His Son loves His Father — and us — He sacrificed Himself, willingly (John 10:14-15).

Once this fact is engraved deeply into our heart and mind, there will be less scoffing until one day it’s gone. We won’t doubt His love anymore.

Sigh. I still have to remind myself that all the promises that apply to others, also apply to me. When I feel myself scoffing at GOD’s ability to love me that much, I stop and remember. It’s not about me or my abilities. It’s about the Creator of the Universe knowing what He’s doing, despite knowing me. I can be wise because I choose to believe He says I can be.

So, when we feel ourselves dismissing one of GOD’s promises because we think we don’t deserve it, pause and give ourselves a talking to: “Yes! That promise is for me!” “Yes! He loves me!” “Yes! I am His beloved child!”

Think More About It

Have you ever punched yourself with soft scoffs? How did you overcome the lie?

Thanks so much for stopping by for the read. I love these reminders of our Father’s love for us. If this blog was a blessing, please share.

Until tomorrow, may we put away the punching gloves and remember His love is greater, my friends. Thank you for continuing to pray for Israel. God bless you!

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