Daily Word: Too Much? Proverbs 25:16

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

When you find honey, eat just enough, lest you are stuffed and vomit it. Proverbs 25:16, TLV


Too Much?     Living life in moderation may seem boring, but apparently our Heavenly Father thinks it’s a wise thing. Why? Because it’s better for us. Excess, even with what we consider “good” things, can be harmful.

For example, did you know too much:

  • protein is stored as fat?
  • fiber causes bloating and — ahem — gas?
  • Vitamin D causes nausea, vomiting, and weakness?
  • Vitamin C causes diarrhea and nausea?
  • Vitamin A causes intracranial pressure, dizziness, nausea, liver damage, coma, and even death?

All the above are essential to good health, but even these vital nutritional components can be harmful in excess.

Too Much Technology?

What about technology? Especially in the hands of children? Did you know too much technology can:

  • hinder a child’s development? Because a child requires 2-3 hours each day of creative, active play. Everything from hugging to exploring outside in the sunshine. Without the tactile, balance, movement, and posture stimulation, they can develop mental issues, not the least being ADHD.
  • lead to loss of social skills? The minimization of learning how to talk one-on-one creates issues later in life with adult relationships and employment.
  • cause physical problems? Due to awkward positions and poor posture, children can develop migraines, arthritis, and back pain as adults.
  • result in sleep deprivation? Children require between 10-12 hours of sleep to grow and develop properly. Technology in the bedroom can reduce sleep time to 6-8 hours. The “blue light” syndrome is caused by the technology lights which send signals to the body to stay awake. (This applies to adults, too.)

How Do We Begin?

The first step to curbing excesses is to be aware of them. Obviously certain things we can eliminate because they aren’t good for us. But what about those things that aren’t necessarily bad. like what we highlighted above?

I’m going to suggest something that might surprise you. Considering there are millions of activities, behaviors, foods, drinks, etc., out there, we’re better off beginning this process by . . . Spending more time with the LORD. Yes.

How It Works . . .

When we ground ourselves in fellowship with our Creator, our outlook changes. When something “feels” off, we can use our discernment muscle to see if we need to stop or cut back on what we’re doing.

Whether through research, counsel, fasting and prayer, or a bit of everything, we better understand the why. Once we’ve identified that issue, then we look into where we should apply boundaries.

Eating just enough “honey” will definitely make our life sweeter.

Think More About It

Have you eaten too much “honey?” How did you learn moderation?

Well, this was a honey of a blog. I hope it was helpful. If so, please share your insights and share the blog. Thank you so much!

Until tomorrow, may we learn moderation, my friends. Please continue your prayers for Israel. God bless you!

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