Daily Word: Watch Those Backbiters! Proverbs 25:23

Terri GillespieDaily Word Leave a Comment

A north wind brings rain, and a backbiting tongue angry faces. Proverbs 25:23, TLV


Watch Those Backbiters!   What is a backbiter: it is someone who says cruel or spiteful things about a person (especially someone who is not present). Essentially, a backbiter creates a storm of hurt and division.

How do you tell if someone is a backbiter? They will:

  • violate a confidence.
  • intentionally hurt someone’s feelings — many times feeling justified in doing so.
  • manipulate facts to their own benefit and to control a situation.
  • seek information to use against someone.

Is it any wonder backbiting creates anger? And, really, we should get angry in the manner of spotting an injustice.

There may be backbiters in your congregation, Bible study, family, job, and friends. They may not be backbiting us, but if you find this person does one or more of the above, be very cautious around them. Do not reveal sensitive information to them. Protect those they try to harm.

When a backbiter wields the weapon of words, it can cause as much damage to someone’s heart and soul, as a weapon does to the body. Among believers, it causes division in the Body of Messiah.

“Now I urge you, brothers and sisters, to keep your eye on those who are causing divisions and stumbling blocks, contrary to the teaching that you learned. Turn away from them.” Romans 16:17, TLV

Paul’s warnings may seem harsh but knowing what we know about how our Heavenly Father feels about causing division, we must treat this seriously. Right?

What about us?

What if we are guilty of one or more of the definitions of a backbiter? Well, then thank the LORD! The Holy Spirit has shown us. Now, it is time to repent to the Father, if possible repent to the person, and then take those stormy lessons and learn from them. When you mess up, repeat the process. Eventually, we will become great teachers of this lesson one day.

May we be cautious of backbiters, my friends.

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