Daily Word: What Are You Wearing in 2024? Proverbs 3:22

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

They will be life to your soul, and an ornament to grace your neck. Proverbs 3:22, TLV


What Are You Wearing in 2024?     Wisdom and discernment will be life to our soul. “And an ornament to grace our neck.” Such a beautiful image of the spiritual and physical benefits of our Heavenly Father’s wisdom. And it never goes out of style!

Have you ever met people who display an uncommon sense of grace? It has little to do with beauty or fashion, because I’ve seen it in those souls we wouldn’t consider beautiful or well-dressed. There is a peace in them that surpasses the condition of their life — their surroundings — it radiates from within.

We’re blessed with a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. He considers us His children because of what His own Son, Jesus [Yeshua] did on our behalf. And because we treasure that sacrificial act, we have become His followers. When we accepted Yeshua’s blood atonement, we were given the gift of a part of His Spirit in us.

That’s pretty heady stuff if we think about it.

As we live in a world that seeks to undermine these incredible things, He gives us tools to live wisely. Learning what those tools are and how to use them is a lifestyle. Wisdom is life to our soul.

As we travel Wisdom’s Journey, more of His knowledge and understanding change us from within. Changing us from within will ultimately show on our outside.

A Greater Understanding . . .

Think of Timothy. Mentored by his Jewish mother, Eunice and grandmother, Lois, then by the apostle Paul (2 Timothy 1). How did Timothy’s mother and grandmother train him up — to prepare him to receive the teachings of Paul?

“You, however, continue in what you have learned and what you have become convinced of. For you know from whom you have learned, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to make you wise, leading to salvation through trusting in Messiah Yeshua. All Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for restoration, and for training in righteousness, so that the person belonging to God may be capable, fully equipped for every good deed.”  2 Timothy 3:17-17, TLV (Emphasis Mine)

Life more abundantly — from within through the grace and mercy of our Father. From without, grace and wisdom to live in this fallen world through the sacred writings of our ancestors. Because, when we combine these, we have a powerful tool to use in His Kingdom. We can be all He created us to be. And that’s an amazing thing.

Think More About It

How do you prepare your heart to receive the tools necessary to live a life of beauty and faith? What “jewels” do you wear?

Until tomorrow, may wisdom and discernment be in and through us, my friends. And may we wear those garments and jewels in gratitude and joy.

Thanks for your prayers for Israel. God bless you!

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