Daily Word: What Type of Precious? Proverbs 3:15

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

She is more precious than jewels and nothing you desire compares to her. Proverbs 3:15, TLV


What Type of Precious?     What is precious to you? Some people cherish things — they define them with great value, as costly. Like jewels and precious metals. Others consider those that are beloved to them as precious. Like a spouse. Our family. Children. Friends.

But there is another definition for precious that is nonmaterial or physical. It is esteemed for its moral and spiritual quality. It is this definition that seems to fit today’s proverb. Or does it?

How precious is wisdom to us? Like a child? Like a jewel? Or as an intellectual, moral, and spiritual compass? Perhaps a bit of all?

Wisdom as a loved one . . .

When I think of wisdom as a loved one, I think of what it takes to love someone. Love is a choice. Love takes an investment of ourselves. It takes sacrifice. Maturity. Getting to know what is important to the other person.

Pursuing a “loved one” relationship with wisdom is a choice. It takes an investment of ourselves. A sacrifice of our own needs. With a purposeful desire to seek GOD’s wisdom because it is the best way to maturity. Getting to know wisdom and “her” ideals means it’s important enough to us to spend the time to learn.

Wisdom as a precious jewel . . .

When I think of wisdom as a precious jewel, I think of how I want to take care of this precious gem. Guard it. A jewel is generally placed in a setting for us to wear. Both the setting and the jewel should be handled carefully to keep the jewel secure and beautiful. The elements and chemicals can cause harm to even the most resilient of gems.

Pursuing a “precious jewel” relationship with wisdom takes care and attention. Part of the joy of living wisdom is “wearing” it for others to see, but we should be prudent and discerning where and when we wear that wisdom. And it should never be worn in self-serving pride.

Wisdom as a moral and spiritual inheritance . . .

When I think of wisdom as a moral and spiritual inheritance, I think of the idea of wisdom and how it can impact my life and the life of others. Because wisdom is both practical and deeply intellectual and personal.

Pursuing this type of relationship means I can spend hours thinking and meditating on the wonders of GOD’s wisdom. Yet, I can translate those wonders into practical everyday opportunities for change. A bounty of resources to live this faith walk.

It’s all there. GOD’s precious gift that keeps giving. We can meditate on it, journal about it, capture it in a song, map it for our journey, examine it as closely as we want. It’s precious. So precious.

Think More About It

How is wisdom precious to you. How does that practically work in your faith walk?

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Until tomorrow, may we seek the preciousness of GOD’s wisdom, my friends. Please continue to pray for Israel, that they would truly treasure His precious wisdom. Shabbat shalom and God bless.

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