Daily Word: What’s in a Name? Proverbs 22:1

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A good name is to be chosen rather than great wealth, and grace rather than silver or gold. Proverbs 22:1, TLV


What’s in a Name?     When people hear our name, what comes to mind? Our parents? Children? Honesty? Integrity? Graciousness? Loyalty? Godliness? Compassion? Our name carries our history — the good and bad.

Unfortunately, sometimes others don’t consider the sum of our traits and behaviors. The poor decisions we make — especially when they affect others — can attach themselves to our name and eclipse the good.

Our Decisions

I guess it’s important to remember this: When our decisions or actions affect others, we need to be especially careful. Seeking wise counsel. Arriving on time. Meeting our obligations and commitments. Seemingly small blips on our radar may impact others significantly.

This is not about people-pleasing, this is about being aware that many of our actions and decisions have repercussions. And those repercussions clothe our name.

We’re blessed that our Heavenly Father forgives us. But humanity doesn’t always forgive. Our Father will help us walk through those situations, but it would be more ideal to avoid them, don’t you think?

Living in a Small Town

Hubby and I live in a small Southern town. Here, your name and reputation are very important because everyone seems to know everyone. Since we’re relatively new and don’t know many of the locals, I’ve seen in real life the importance of a good name.

People, in their attempt to be helpful, have shared who and why certain people are trustworthy or not trustworthy. Unfortunately, before I’ve ever met these folks, I have an opinion of them. Very sobering to realize others could be doing the same with me.

It’s been said that a happy customer will tell 3-5 people, an unhappy customer 10-15. With the entrance of social media, and folks’ predilection for focusing on the negative, the unhappy customer may end up telling thousands — tens of thousands. Yikes. Does the same apply to individual reputations?

Good and Wholesome

But let’s focus on the positive — what our name could represent that is good and wholesome. I would love to achieve the lofty goal of Proverbs 14:19, “Evil men will bow in the presence of the good, and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.” Wouldn’t you?

What does our name represent? Seek the LORD. He will show each of us. On this wisdom journey, as we learn, holy characteristics will attach themselves to our name. The fruits of the Holy Spirit will shine.

Still, no matter our past, from this day forward, our Father can make a name worth more than silver and gold.

Think More About It

What kind of name do you have? Love to hear any stories you can share.

And, if this blog was a blessing, please share. Thank you so much!

Until tomorrow, may our good name be a blessing to others, my friends. Please continue those prayers for Israel and her people. That their names would be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. God bless you!

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