Daily Word: Where Do You Find Knowledge? Proverbs 18:15

Terri GillespieDaily Word, Wisdom’s Journey Through Proverbs Leave a Comment

A discerning heart gains knowledge, the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. Proverbs 18:15, TLV


Where Do You Find Knowledge?     A few years ago I attended a leadership conference. Leaders from around the world sat in rapt attention as other leaders they admired gave insights into various topics. In between those sessions, the knowledge continued. During meals, in the lobby, walking in the halls — it was amazing.

Everywhere I turned, lively conversations flowed with a veritable smorgasbord of knowledge, discernment, understanding — wisdom in action. It was one of those rare moments where it took little effort to seek knowledge, because it was everywhere. In some ways, it was overwhelming.

Knowledge Around Us

Did you know you don’t have to attend a conference to gain knowledge? Knowledge is all around us, if we pay attention and listen for it.

Knowledge can come from our parents, spouses, employers, children, a song, a novel, someone in line at the grocery store, someone cleaning your hospital room.

From snacks to gourmet meals, our Heavenly Father provides wonderful opportunities to dine on His lessons.

That’s why I love studying Proverbs every day. I never know what our Father is going to show me. It can be deep with a life-changing message, or an answer to a question I have for that day, or a reminder of something I’ve forgotten.

Unsubstantiated Knowledge

I had a conversation with my daughter a few days ago—actually, it was a continued discussion on the issues of social media’s unsubstantiated knowledge. Rivy, who is also my Virtual Assistant, has the responsibility of keeping me a reliable source of information. Truthful, of course, but also, she helps me to look at subject matter from different perspectives and edit my blogs and devotions to reach a broader audience.

The biggest offender of unsubstantiated knowledge comes from social media. As AI tools become more accessible, reels and videos that look authentic are either edited in a manipulative manner or are complete falsehoods.

We discussed how important it was to know our source. Just because someone has a stethoscope around their neck doesn’t mean they’re a medical professional.

As seekers of wisdom and knowledge, part of that journey is verifying the information before we share with our family and friends.

We may run across a reel or video that speaks to our point of view, but before we share that snippet, the information needs to be verified. Just because it fits our narrative doesn’t mean the source is credible. If the source can be impeached, then we’ve done more harm than good. Our credibility has now come under question.

Sigh. Lately, unless I know the source personally or I’ve already tested their facts, I won’t share—even if it may eloquently support my beliefs. These days I’ve been scrolling past these—especially if they tell me to not scroll past them.

The Source

Our source of truth comes from the Creator of the Universe. Designers and creators have more credibility because, well, they created the thing. Taking the time to seek the Creator or creators and designers will serve us well, my friends. Fortunately, our Creator created a service manual and operational guide for life.

I mean, really, how awesome is our GOD!

Think More About It

Other than reading proverbs or the rest of scriptures, where is the most unique place you were fed God’s knowledge?

Thanks for stopping by. If this was a blessing, please share, it helps get the word out. And, as always, I love your thoughts and comments.

Until tomorrow, may we listen for the wealth of knowledge served all around us, my friends. And as we pray and speak on behalf of Israel, please be certain it is truthful. God bless you!

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