Daily Word: Would You? Matthew 26:38

Terri GillespieDaily Word 1 Comment

Then [Yeshua/Jesus] tells them, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with Me.” Matthew 26:38, TLV


Would You?  Most of us know this part of Yeshua’s story. He needs to connect deeply with His Father, so He does what He has always done . . . Stepped away from people and spend alone-time with His Dad. To recharge. Be strengthened. Seek guidance. But tonight is different. Tonight the final stages of the Great Plan begin.

When the Great Plan was first discussed between Jesus and His Father, before He was Jesus, before the world was spoken into being, Yeshua said He would do it. Of course, He would do anything for His Father and the precious children on this tiny planet.

Still, when the Right Arm of the Almighty said, “Yes!” He was an infinite being. Tonight, the Captain of Hosts was a human. Son of God, Son of Man.

He hadn’t anticipated this — the grief of sin while in human form. The sorrow was so deep He felt He would die.

Going a little farther, He fell face down and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me! Yet not as I will, but as You will.” (vs. 39, TLV)

Can you feel the pain and even the hope that His Father could find another way. Another plan. Let that sink in. The Great Plan formed before creation, Jesus sent a plea, that if possible, the Father would change it.

Nevertheless, He knows His Father. He submits to His Father’s will.

In Yeshua’s humanity He went through the impossible. For us.

Would we do it for someone?

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