I was thinking, there truly is a great reward in seeing life through the lenses of humility and the fear of the LORD.
Daily Word: Yo! Preach It, Peter! 2 Peter 2:3
To coin an elegant Jersey response, “Yo! Preach it, Peter!” In this chapter, it is no holds barred for our outspoken brother.
Daily Word: Bearing our Burdens, Psalm 68:20[19]
This particular psalm has a wide range of themes. But today’s verse, and many others in this psalm, is about comfort.
Daily Word: Shedding Light in the Dark Places, 1 John 1:7
Taken out of context, the images this verse brings to our imagination could be little lambs frolicking in the sunshine.
Daily Word: The Wisdom Seeds & Fruit, Proverbs 23:24
How many have a wise child? Not everyone, unfortunately. Hubby and I didn’t understand the wisdom thing ourselves — even as believers — until our daughter was on her own.
Daily Word: They Started It! Colossians 3:13
Remember when our parents or teachers broke up our fights? What did we usually say? “He/She started it!”
Daily Word: You Remind Me, I’ll Remind You, Psalm 34:9
Today’s passage conveys more of the beauty and wonder that is faith and trust. More than “I believe” or “I trust” — it is “taste and see.”
Daily Word: Begin Simply, Galatians 5:25
Paul was dealing with a real controversy within the believing community in Galatia. The new Gentile believers were confused.
Daily Word: Why is Unity Important? 1 Corinthians 12:25-27
Why is Unity Important? “We’re in this together,” right? Actually, it should be, “Together, we’re in this.” I like that. In America, we prefer the individuality part better than the whole.