The most important part of this chapter? Worship! Praise! Lifting GOD above all.
Daily Word: John 15:12
The commandment of love: Many still believe that Jesus ushered in the “doing away with” the Law. Nope. What He did was fulfill it (Matthew 5:17).
Daily Word: Colossians 3:16
The context of this verse is so important to another series of verses. Do you feel the context of love from the heart of Messiah?
Daily Word: Jacob (James) 5:16
Our context from today’s verse is the final written words of Jacob, Yeshua’s half-brother. Jacob is pretty rough on the wealthy, and as we read chapter five, there’s a sense of urgency — that his Messiah, their Messiah would be returning soon.
Daily Word: Romans 15:4
“… the encouragement of the Scriptures …” When we read the word Scriptures, what do we think of? The Gospels? At the time of Paul’s letter to the Romans, most likely only the Gospel of Mark was written.
Daily Word: 1 John 1:7
Taken out of context, the images this verse brings to our imagination could be little lambs frolicking in the sunshine. The Great Shepherd leaning on His staff, chuckling at how cute the little creatures are. And, I’m sure there’s a bit of that within the context of this chapter, however, the true picture is different.
Daily Word: Ecclesiastes 4:9
Back when I worked in the corporate world, a high ROI was paramount. Division heads and executives wanted to know that Return on Investment. Too low? Get rid of the project. Great ROI? How could it be more successful or replicated?
Daily Word: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
For the last several years, I’ve joined the ranks of souls who choose a word for the year. Selecting my word took a few weeks, but finally one rose above the others: Chazak!
Daily Word: Romans 6:23
This is one of those verses we memorized in school. It scared me as a kid. With my reading and comprehension issues, what I heard in my head was, “Girl, you’re gonna die because you definitely sin.”