Sometimes we just don’t want to do the right thing, do we?
Daily Word: Matthew 6:33
What was Jesus speaking of when He instructed the crowds — and us — to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness?
Daily Word: Psalm 34:9
More of the beauty and wonder that is faith and trust. More than “I believe.” It is “taste and see” and taking refuge in our Heavenly Father.
Daily Word: Psalm 34:19
When we’re grieving or brokenhearted, we can feel alone. Only we can know and understand the loss, right? Perhaps to those around us who try to comfort us, that may be true. But to our Heavenly Father? It is not true.
Daily Word: Romans 12:12
I’m sorry, but I can’t help being a broken record — context is important.
Daily Word: 1 Peter 5:6
Are you missing an important part of your spiritual armor? Want to know what it is?
Daily Word: Psalm 119:114
We all need it from time to time. A hiding place to feel protected. Where we hide and take refuge is important. Because many of us when we feel hurt or offended, either hide or fight back. Neither is optimal.
Daily Word: John 15:4
Lately, I don’t have much of a green thumb. I’ve done well in READ MORE
Daily Word: Luke 6:36
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