My rabbi in Philadelphia used to say, “If a sentence begins with the word, ‘therefore,’ then read the sentences before to see what it is…
Daily Word: Born of God? 1 John 4:7
Every person on this planet was born. Our Heavenly Father is the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, seems obvious that everyone is born…
Daily Word: Don’t Worry? John 16:33
John 16 was written but a few days before the unthinkable would happen. Yeshua [Jesus] would be betrayed by one of their own friends…
Daily Word: My Big Mouth! Proverbs 13:3
Have you ever moaned, “Me, and my big mouth”? I sure have. Too many times in my lifetime. Ever wonder where that regret came from…
Daily Word: 3 Ways to Season with Grace. Colossians 4:6
Have you ever eaten a dish that was too salty or spicy? I have. And depending upon the situation, I might move the food around on my plate…
Daily Word: We are Lights, Too! Matthew 5:14
Today we’re revisiting Yeshua’s Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5-7), with a familiar verse. While this is a simple passage, its…
Daily Word: Another Paco Lesson. Proverbs 10:18
Ever own a “yappy” dog? Our daughter had a chihuahua, Paco. He was definitely a yapper. As annoying as the barking was, the little guy did…
Daily Word: Faith to Understand. Hebrews 11:6
Seems simple. Obvious. Our faith begins with believing God exists. I mean, that’s logical, right, if we don’t believe He exists, then how…
Daily Word: Eternity Words. Psalm 55:23
Never be Shaken? Never is a big word. It’s right up there with e-t-e-r-n-i-t-y. Psalm 55 is King David’s plea for help against his enemies…