When those challenges and disasters arise, is our first response, “Yippee! Praise the LORD!”? Probably not. I know my natural inclination isn’t.
Daily Word: Everyone? Romans 10:13
Back when Paul wrote this, it was considered quite controversial. Gentiles? Those pagans who worshipped other gods?
Daily Word: Set Right, Romans 3:23-24
Sigh. We are all sinners. Each and every one. We’re born into a fallen world, and it doesn’t take long before we join the ranks of violators of GOD’s Law
Daily Word: He is Risen! Matthew 28:6
He said He would. And He did. Halleluyah!!
Daily Word: The Shepherd’s Sacrifice, Isaiah 53:6
The Shepherd’s Sacrifice. We were the cause of the Shepherd’s sacrifice. And our Heavenly Father knew from the beginning that this would be necessary.
Daily Word: A Father’s Love, John 3:16
A Father’s Love. The Gospel in a nutshell. The verse most Sunday School children memorize. The verse that says so much about so many themes it would take a lifetime to unpack it.
Daily Word: Would You? Matthew 26:38
Then [Yeshua/Jesus] tells them, “My soul is deeply grieved, even to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with Me.” Matthew 26:38, TLV Would You? Most of us know this part of Yeshua’s story. He needs to connect deeply with His Father, so He does what He has always done . . . Stepped away from people …
Daily Word: Love One Another, John 13:34
Love One Another. Just as Jesus loved us, we are to love others. How did Yeshua love us? Let’s discuss in today’s Daily Word.
Daily Word: The Great Plan, Philippians 2:7-8
The Great Plan began before . . .