Those who love delving into the book of Revelation will love Zechariah. Reading today’s chapter will give us the flavor of the last book of the Bible.
Daily Word: Seeking Wholeheartedly, Jeremiah 29:13
Jeremiah has some of the most beautiful understanding of the Creator of the Universe. It also shows this Creator’s heart — the heart of the Father.
Daily Word: Mobile Refuge, Psalm 46:2 [1]
Anyone out there who remembers the credit card commercial slogan, “Don’t leave home without it!”? That was the first thought I had reading today’s verse early this morning.
Daily Word: Don’t Forget Them, James [Jacob] 1:27
Many of us are on difficult journeys: walking with our parents through the trials of old age that includes dementia and/or Alzheimer, or dealing with young people in our lives who are wounded, or at risk.
Daily Word: Enjoying the Test? James [Jacob] 1:12
The first time I rode a rollercoaster was like a right-of-passage moment. It reminded me of facing things I fear.
Daily Word: He’s There, Psalm 34:19[18]
Each day there are millions who will celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, special days. But for some, today is a reminder of loss and pain.
Daily Word: Are We Brave Enough? Psalm 139:23-24
Are we Brave Enough? Do we have the courage to pray this every single day? Perhaps several times a day?
Daily Word: More Than Meets the Eye, 2 Samuel 7:22
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read all of chapter seven. Today’s verse is more than worship. It is a response to something profound!
Daily Word: Since the Garden, 1 John 4:4
Let’s face it, things are getting real out there. And it can feel pretty scary that many of the values we hold so dear are considered laughable, antiquated, even wrong.