It’s pretty straightforward, right? Having a rough time? Pray. Feeling good? Sing praises to the LORD. Simple, right? I don’t know about you, but I need reminding of this.
Daily Word: Joel 2:12
Have you ever read the book of Joel? It’s only four chapters, but it is packed with insights. It reads a lot like the book of Revelation sometimes — no coincidence there. Yet, there is so much more.
Daily Word: Romans 12:21
What’s our first response when someone hurts us? Actually, experts say it is one of two things, strike back, or run away. Or maybe hit and run. LOL! While running away — without hitting — is the better of the two, this behavior might miss an opportunity. An opportunity to overcome evil with good.
Daily Word: Isaiah 54:17
Has anyone ever said bad things about someone you care about? Probably. Were they true? Or partially true? More than likely. But because we love that person, and we truly know them, we’re going to come to their defense. I may not get along with all of my family, but don’t let a stranger say anything bad about them. That gets me riled.
Daily Word: Ephesians 6:12
In or out of context, this verse is should be engraved in our hearts and minds. No matter how brutal or hurtful the attacks, our struggle is not with that person (s), it is with the vilest creatures GOD threw out of heaven. Right now, they seek to bring us the pain and disappointment that keeps us awake at night and wasting precious time on vain imaginations.