Yippee! Time to talk about suffering! The apostle Peter has spiritual street cred when it comes to suffering and …
Daily Word: 2 Corinthians 5:17
We’ve all done it. Cringe-worthy acts or hurtful words — things we wish we could take back. But God says that we’re free, yet the …
Daily Word: Psalm 24:1
If the Creator of the Universe, publishes an owner’s manual, it stands to reason we would greatly benefit from reading it.
Daily Word: Amos 5:24
Have you ever read the book of Amos? It’s contents are pretty tough. God’s judgments on Israel’s neighbors and then Israel herself. For what?
Daily Word: Matthew 23:11
Could Jesus be reprimanding us, too? To step outside our status quo and return to His plan and purposes? That leadership was called for service to others, not the other way around? What does that look like?
Daily Word: Ephesian 4:2
Let’s be honest. We all know folks that annoy us. Every person on this planet is a playing field of irritation just waiting to test us.
Daily Word: Matthew 18: 20
For centuries this verse was taken out of the context. Most of my life as a believer, I used it as a promise from Jesus for when we pray. Umm …
Daily Word: Romans 6:23
Believe it or not, this chapter in Romans has some controversy — or I should say — controversy concerning the understanding of these 23 verses.
Daily Word: Isaiah 60:1
We know that darkness has covered the earth. Are we searching for the light, or is the Light already in us?