Context of this verse is so important Why? What we read in today’s verse is uplifting with a bit of admonishing . . .
Daily Word: A Believing Remnant Throughout History, Micah 7:18
Our Heavenly Father angry? We don’t like hearing that, do we? Does God get angry? Yes, of course. But, there’s more to this.
Daily Word: One of the Scary Verses, Matthew 6:14
One of the Scary Verses. Jesus said some scary things. Scary because they hold us accountable for our own actions.
Daily Word: Wholly Heard. 2 Samuel 2:2
Wholly Heard by The Rock of Our Salvation. The context of this verse is a new mother, Hannah who had once been barren, honors her vow to GOD . . .
Daily Word: What is the Therefore There for? Matthew 7:24
What is the “THEREFORE” there for? It’s a biggie. Jesus is wrapping up His Sermon on the Mount. He summarizes the importance of . . .
Daily Word: Don’t Look at the Hurt. Philippians 4:8
Whenever I read this verse, I think of Betsie ten Boom, Corrie’s sister. In the movie, The Hiding Place, the ten Boom sisters stood in line waiting to be deloused at Ravensbruck . . .
Daily Word: The Perfect Love We Don’t Talk About. 1 John 4:18
This verse is deep. Typically, folks — me included — don’t contextualize the “perfect love drives out fear.”
Daily Word: Shalom. John 14:7
Last year, my friend shared this photo of two men comforting a woman as they sought temporary shelter during a rocket attack in Israel.
Daily Word: Hineni–I’m Here! Isaiah 6:8
There’s a powerful Hebrew word, Hineni (הנני), that is translated into English as Here I am — or Here am I.