It had been over a year, and the person we had lent a chunk of money to, still had not paid us back. A person from our congregation. They had promised. At some point, we realized …
Daily Word: Matthew 6:14
Jesus said some scary things. Scary because . . .
Daily Word: Philippians 1:6
Context. Paul writes to the believers in Philippi . . . From prison.
Daily Word: Luke 23:34
We can’t fully comprehend what forgiveness means when someone has stripped us our humanity and what little dignity remained.
Daily Word: Ephesians 4:32
It’s a shame, but we do need to be reminded to be kind, compassionate, and, forgiving, don’t we?
Daily Word: 2 Corinthians 7:10
Paul’s last letter to the believers in Corinth produced a strong reaction. In this case, it was conviction of their sins.
Daily Word: Ephesians 4:2
Bearing one another in love?
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 6:26a
Today’s Blog: Fill in the Blank