The Great Commission. It is interesting that Mark’s perspective of Yeshua’s Gospel marching orders to His disciples is a little different…
Daily Word: A Paradigm Shift. Ephesians 3:20-21
The early chapters in the book of Ephesians explain a major spiritual paradigm shift. For thousands of years, the people of the nations…
Daily Word: Do You Have Beautiful Feet? Romans 10:17
This chapter in Romans seems out of place. It addresses Jewish people in Israel and the diaspora (those outside Israel) that still have not…
Daily Word: What’s the Difference? John 1:12
Aren’t all humans GOD’s children? Yes and no. This verse in John holds powerful insights into the Gospel message. It holds insights into…
Daily Word: Not Ashamed! Romans 1:16
The Roman believers began “independently” of the emissaries from Jerusalem. Prior to the new congregation of Roman believers, there was a…
Daily Word: Forget the Bread, Mark 8:35
Mark has done a great job of recapping just how much the disciples DIDN’T get Yeshua. And us? After nearly two thousand years of molding His followers into icons
Daily Word: Not Ashamed, Romans 1:16
The Roman believers began “independently” of the emissaries from Jerusalem. Prior to the new congregation of Roman believers, there was a significant Jewish community living in Rome.
Daily Word: Romans 1:16
The Roman believers began “independently” of the emissaries from Jerusalem. Prior to the new congregation of believers, there was a significant Jewish community living in Rome. Perhaps, as we discussed earlier, there were those who returned from the best Shavuot (Pentecost) the Jewish people had ever attended in Jerusalem.
Daily Word: 1 Peter 1:3
Context. Today we hear from Peter. He writes to the Jewish believers outside Israel in and around Asia and Turkey.