This verse seems pretty straightforward, right? Don’t brag or boast. But, as always with Proverbs, there are layers of insights and…
Daily Word: Poor in Spirit? Matthew 5:3
Who exactly are the poor in spirit? What does it mean to be poor in spirit? When we think of a poor person — especially the way the Bible…
Daily Word: The Latest Fashion: Humility. 1 Peter 5:6
While this verse is directed to the “elders” (vs. 1), we can all take a lesson in Peter’s letter to the diaspora (Jewish people living…
Daily Word: Humility is Freedom, John 13:14
Humility is Freedom? For too many years I thought that humility was synonymous with weakness. Actually, it is quite the opposite. It takes a lot of strength to be humble, by choice.
Daily Word: Ouch! Matthew 3:8
You have to admire John the Immerser [a.k.a Baptist]. He never pulled any punches. Yet, this tiny clause of his comment to the Pharisees and Sadducees is filled with hope.
Daily Word: 1 Peter 5:6
Are you missing an important part of your spiritual armor? Want to know what it is?
Daily Word: Matthew 23:11
Context. This verse is part of a revealing and brutal moment where Jesus exposes the hypocrisy and corruption of the spiritual leadership of the Jewish people.
Daily Word: John 13:14
For too many years I thought that humility was synonymous with weakness. It is the opposite.
Wisdom’s Journey: Proverbs 15:2
Today’s Blog: How do you Treat Knowledge?