Do you feel more comfortable as the server or the served?
Daily Word: 1 John 2:15-16
God created a beautiful world. Humanity corrupted it. We can admire and respect and build upon God’s creation, but to hold it in higher regard than Him is wrong.
Daily Word: Romans 13:10
Context. Paul instructs the believers in Rome to be more serious about walking out their faith. Once again …
Daily Word: Psalm 24:1
If our Heavenly Father is the owner of the earth and the Creator of the Universe, it stands to reason when He publishes an owner’s manual we should read it.
Daily Word: Philippians 2:3
It’s important to be reminded, don’t you think? That we’re not the center of the Universe? There’s something liberating about doing for others just because. Just because God has done so much for us first.
Daily Word: 1 Timothy 6:12
Wow. I love that: Take hold of the eternal life. Something profound in Paul’s instructions to his spiritual son.
Daily Word: Isaiah 25:1
With phrases like, “plans of old” and “steadfast faithfulness” is it any wonder we are in awe of our Dad?
Daily Word: Matthew 6:6
It’s not about where we pray, is it? No, it doesn’t matter where or when we pray, it is all about our heart.
Daily Word: Matthew 5:6
What do we hunger and thirst for?