Jesus said some scary things. Scary because they hold us accountable for our own actions. They might, on the surface, seem counterintuitive…
Daily Word: Before We Open Our Mouth . . . Proverbs 31:9
What does it really mean to judge righteously? Some might believe that skin color and socioeconomic position should determine justice…
Daily Word: Makers of Peace? Matthew 5:9
Believe it or not, one doesn’t have to be a trained diplomat to be a peacemaker. Even professionals aren’t very successful these days. It…
Daily Word: GOD’s Justice is Bigger than Us. Proverbs 29:7
The book of Proverbs is big on justice. Why? Because justice is important to the Creator of the Universe — our Father. In fact, justice is…
Daily Word: Live “Large” or “Little”? Proverbs 16:8
Wealth doesn’t just happen in a vacuum. Even if someone wins the lottery or inherits money, it doesn’t mean they automatically become good…
Daily Word: Ever Flowing Justice and Righteousness. Amos 5:24
Have you ever read the book of Amos? Its themes are pretty tough. A lot of God’s judgments on Israel’s neighbors and then Israel herself…
Daily Word: Prophetic Conduit, Proverbs 21:3
Is this verse saying that God wanted Israel—or us—to do the right thing rather than follow His commands? No. This passage’s truth was also…
Daily Word: Justice. Mercy. Humility. Micah 6:8
This chapter of Micah is significant and so relevant for today. When you have the opportunity, please read it. Essentially, our Heavenly…
Daily Word: Ever Flip a Table or Two? Proverbs 8:19
What kind of “harvest” does our wisdom produce? Up until recently, I thought all wisdom belonged to GOD — you know, the Creator of the…