George Frideric Handel* was the composer of The Messiah, however the text was written by Charles Jennens**, a wealthy landowner who had a…
Daily Word: The Art of Praise. The Revelation 4:11
Anyone an artist? Or sculptor, lyricist, writer? The context of today’s verse expresses beautiful images of the throne room of heaven…
Daily Word: The Rock. 1 Samuel 2:2
The context of this verse is a new mother, Hannah who had once been barren, honors her vow to GOD to give up her child forever. She…
Daily Word: Enter His Gates! Psalm 100:4-5
How do we enter our LORD’s gates? In other words, when we enter our congregation’s parking lot, are we in an attitude of worship and praise…
Daily Word: Joyful Noise! Psalm 59:17[16]
Do you have a good singing voice? My husband does. Our daughter has sung at the Apollo in New York and the Star Spangle Banner at a…
Daily Word: Do You Feel Awesomely Made? Psalm 139:13-14, TLV
Sometimes I do — sometimes I don’t, other times, it’s meh. Perhaps the difference in how we may feel is because we are looking at our…
Daily Word: What Will Be our Final Praise? Psalm 145:18
This is a psalm of praise written by King David. It is said that it was his last psalm. His last psalm was pure praise
Daily Word: Imagine this Praise, Revelation 4:11
Imagine this Praise! Anyone an artist? Or sculptor, lyricist, writer? The context of today’s verse expresses beautiful images of the throne room of heaven.
Psalm 139:13-14-awesomely-wonderfully-made
Do you feel awesomely and wonderfully made? Sometimes I do — sometimes I don’t, Other times, it’s meh. The thing is …