Have you ever played games at amusement parks or traveling carnivals? Generally, it involves a lot of quarters that tally quickly to…
Daily Word: Strength to the Weary. Isaiah 40:29
Happy New Year! I hope this devotion is helpful for you—it was for me.Context. This verse is tucked into one of the most encouraging…
Daily Word: Bigger than Us? Proverbs 21:12
Well, today’s proverb is one of those confusing passages. As I often do, I researched various scholarly works for the wise ones’…
Daily Word: Disguised Gossip. Proverbs 20:19
When we think of talebearers or blabbermouths or gossips, generally we think of a certain type of person. Women talking on the phone or…
Daily Word: Leave It Up to Dad. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Many folks think this passage and the previous verses are all about money. Give generously “to the LORD” and He’ll give even more in…
Daily Word: The Unexpected Blessing. Matthew 5:4
Imagine, if you will, Jesus sees the crowds following Him. Like lost sheep that instinctively understand that this Man is their true…
Daily Word: With Thanksgiving. Philippians 4:6
I love the book of Philippians. There are plenty of quotables nestled within those few chapters. Today’s verse is one of those memorable…
Daily Word: The Rock. 1 Samuel 2:2
The context of this verse is a new mother, Hannah who had once been barren, honors her vow to GOD to give up her child forever. She…
Daily Word: Don’t Forget Abba! Jacob [James] 5:13
The exhortation is straightforward, right? Having a rough time? Pray. Feeling good? Sing praises to the LORD. I don’t know about you, but…