Okay, my friends. Please bear with me. This excerpt is taken from the “substance abuser” passage. Which might typically be “blink” verses…
Daily Word: Before and After the Mistakes! Proverbs 22:7
Here’s another proverb I truly wish I had known when I was young. Don’t borrow money. Nearly every financial mistake my husband and I made…
Daily Word: A Mountie? Proverbs 21:8
My graphic today is of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer. Perhaps because of watching the television series Due South, I think of…
Daily Word: Live Out Loud! Proverbs 20:7
What spiritual legacy will you leave behind? If we could examine the fruit of all we do — what we believe is most meaningful to us — what…
Daily Word: Dreamers and Cheerleaders. Proverbs 19:2
Another chapter full of wonderful insights. Families, justice, prudence (love that word!), integrity, and loyalty. It also gives us…
Daily Word: Spiritual Cannibalism? Proverbs 18:8
“No one can eat just one.” Anyone remember that Lay’s™ potato chip slogan? Gossip is a lot like potato chips, for most of us, once we “eat…
Daily Word: The Core of Honest Measurement. Proverbs 16:11
Have you ever felt cheated by a scale’s measurement at the grocery store? I’ve felt that way. Perhaps the inaccuracy was intentional, or…
Daily Word: What is Real? Proverbs 15:13
Can we be real? Wherever we are emotionally, physically, and spiritually — and financially — is a fact. Whether we’re in a good place or…
Daily Word: An Ouch for Me. How about You? Proverbs 14:4
Sigh. Remember the painful passages I spoke about? Today’s proverb fits into another category for me: Most Uncomfortable. And this verse…