Hmm. Now, isn’t that the truth? Discipline seems painful, not joyful — at least at the moment. The key is waiting for the fruit of that…
Daily Word: Where Did the Time Go? Proverbs 15:14
I must confess, I enjoy cat videos. And puppy videos. Okay, and baby videos. I even saw a catfish that hung on to the edge of a fishing…
Daily Word: Winking = Wounding? Proverbs 10:10
Have you ever been in a conversation where you felt left out? Almost as though the people around you were in on a secret, and they…
Daily Word: Our Legacy? Proverbs 4:23
Most of you know of my love of the book of Proverbs. Reading a chapter each day for nearly two decades has changed my life in all areas: my…
Daily Word: Be That Kind of Friend. Proverbs 27:9
Do you have friends who are ointment and perfume — those who gladden your heart? Are they people you trust with your heart and have proven…
Daily Word: Envy, Anyone? Proverbs 23:17
Why would we envy sinners? What do they have, really, that we want? If we’re honest with ourselves, many of us wish we had nice/nicer…
Daily Word: The Lionhearted. Proverbs 22:11
I love this verse! It reminds me of how Lucy Pevensie’s pure heart enabled her to connect with Aslan before her siblings — not her…
Daily Word: Bigger Than Us? Proverbs 21:12
Well, today’s proverb is one of those confusing passages. As I often do, I researched various scholarly works for the wise ones’…
Daily Word: Yay! My Favorite Word! Proverbs 14:8
I love this word: prudent. If you’ve been reading my blogs over the years—especially the Proverbs’ blogs—you’re already aware of this fact…